Navarro & Ellis County Crímenes violentos Attorney

Abogado de crímenes violentos en los condados de Navarro y Ellis

Representación agresiva para los cargos penales más serios

Los crímenes violentos son unos de los delitos más serios en el estado de Texas y son perseguidos vigorosamente. Si usted o un ser querido ha sido arrestado por un crimen violento, póngase en contacto con The Law Office of Michael J. Crawford. Nuestro abogado de crímenes violentos en los condados de Navarro y Ellis está disponible para nuestros clientes de 7 a.m. a 10 p.m.

No espere para recibir asesoramiento legal. Llame al 214-903-7722 o o contacte online con nuestro bufete para programar una consulta.

  • Board Certified
  • National Trial Lawyers
  • Super Lawyers 2024
  • Super Lawyers 2023
  • Super Lawyers 2022
  • Super Lawyers 2021
  • Rising Star Super Lawyer 2020
  • Avvo - 10.0

Our Satisfied Clients

  • “Eager to help, knew the law, honest, and stands by his word.”
    Michael Crawford is awesome. He is by far the best defense mechanism We've seen around this town n a very long time if evr.exactly what we needed.he was so eager to help, knew the law, honest, and stands by his word. He actually works for u, his client. Even if court-appointed he seems to give 110%. Just imagine what he would do if he was getting paid. He shows me money is not everything! He is really in it to HELP his clients. My opinion is Micheal Crawford is a one of a kind lawyer.
    - Becky
  • “Michael is not just my attorney, he is also my friend now because he is just that nice of a person.”
    Michael J. Crawford is a graduate of Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law in Dallas. He chose to open his own law practice in his hometown of Kerens in lieu of practicing with a big firm in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. He works hard for clients. He is known as the "Blue Collar Lawyer" because he gives 110% effort for every client. I was very impressed with his professionalism, understanding, and expression of sincerity while he was handling my case. Michael is not just my attorney, he is also my friend now because he is just that nice of a person. Thanks, Michael for protecting my rights.
    - Jaclynn
  • “Not only does he care about his client, but he will also care for your family and keep them aware.”

    If you want a lawyer that will pour his extensive knowledge of the law and the people of Navarro County into your case, this is the lawyer for you.

    He stood up to the small town Justice System, that continually beat him down, but not once gave up

    - John
  • “As a satisfied client, I highly recommend Michael J. Crawford.”

    Mr. Crawford was able to represent my wishes and balance that with a sensible plan while taking the appropriate time to compassionately explain the process to me, answer all my questions and really listen to my concerns. Mr. Crawford was honest, knowledgeable, and aggressively fought for a successful outcome.

    As a satisfied client, I highly recommend Michael J. Crawford.

    - Former Client
  • “If u need someone he would be the one to use!!!”
    He does a really great job!!! very smart!! will help u in any wy!! love what he's doing!!!this is the kinda lawyer we been needing here in this area!!! the other lawyer all play along with the other lawyer but Micheal stand along an get the job done!! he has a great staff that has it so simple for him!! if u need someone he would be the one to use!!!
    - Timothy
  • “It was obvious at every moment of the trial that he was there to defend his client”
    Mr. Crawford was the attorney for my nephew - I sat in court the 5 days of court - and observed Mr. Crawford for the entire trial - it was obvious at every moment of the trial that he was there to defend his client -- and defend, he did. He was wonderful!
    - Millie
  • “He is very knowledgeable and passionate about the law.”
    Mr. Crawford was awesome at handling my complex custody issues. Through the process, trumped-up charges were brought against me. Mr. Crawford was available over the weekend and at night at the peak of my issues when I needed him the most. His advice was on point and everything worked out like he advised it would. He is very knowledgable and passionate about the law. He doesn't just make deals. He fights for justice and wins.
    - Lance
  • “He knows the people, he knows the law and will not let you down.”
    Michael Crawford and his associates went above and beyond to help us with a very complex case resulting in a much more favorable divorce settlement than we ever thought would happen. He took a personal interest, showed compassion and understanding and his patience was that of Job. He is passionate about his work as well as fair, tough and blunt. He is aggressive and one time said, "I love to fight" -- exactly what I am looking for in a lawyer. I would recommend his office to anyone looking for a tough, smart lawyer. He knows the people, he knows the law and will not let you down.
    - lschnellmann

Crímenes violentos en Texas

Algunos crímenes violentos resultan en cargos por delitos menores, como es el caso de las agresiones con lesiones, amenazas verbales, agresiones domésticas o incendios provocados que causen hasta $1.500 en daños. Otros crímenes violentos son considerados más serios y podrían resultar en cargos por delito grave. Nuestro abogado de crímenes violentos en los condados de Navarro y Ellis representa a clientes acusados tanto de delitos menores como de delitos graves.

Independientemente del tipo de cargos a los que se enfrente, una condena resultará en el registro permanente de antecedentes penales, lo que complicará su vida de maneras que no puede predecir. Una condena por un delito grave resultará en sentencias de cárcel o prisión más largas, multas más altas y otras sanciones jurídicas. Además, si tiene antecedentes penales por un delito grave será muy difícil conseguir una vivienda, encontrar empleo remunerado, trabajar en ciertas profesiones que requieren una licencia o cursar estudios superiores.

Algunos ejemplos de delitos violentos graves son:

  • Mala conducta mortal
  • Asalto agravado
  • Agresión doméstica con agravantes
  • Agresión a mano armada
  • Agresión contra un agente de policía o personal médico de emergencia
  • Secuestro
  • Incendio intencionado causando más de $1.500 en daños
  • Robo
  • Huida de la escena del accidente tras atropellar a alguien causándole lesiones
  • Agresión sexual

Why Choose The Law Office of Michael J. Crawford?

  • Hablamos español
  • Certificado como Especialista en Derecho Penal por el Comité de Especialización Jurídica de Texas
  • Descuento del 20% para veteranos y miembros actuales del ejército o de la administración pública
  • Amplia experiencia en tribunales y sólida reputación con los jueces locales
  • Más de 200 casos penales llevados a juicios con jurado

Qué hacer si es arrestado

Si usted es arrestado, se le imputan cargos por un crimen violento o descubre que está siendo investigado por un crimen violento, necesita contratar representación legal agresiva lo antes posible. Es importante que evite hacer declaraciones o confesiones a la policía, familia o cualquier otra persona antes de hablar con un abogado. Estamos preparados para tomar las medidas necesarias para proteger sus derechos constitucionales y construir una estrategia de defensa sólida para su caso.

Póngase en contacto con nosotros hoy mismo llamando al 214-903-7722 o para programar una consulta.

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